Thursday, April 9, 2009


TTD sessions are only for the bravest of heart brides. TTD also known as Trash The a special session...done AFTER the wedding day. In this situation...the bride waited a year after her wedding...We had such a blast shooting her portraits. These were taken last August...I was 8 months prego...out in the heat of August..I dont know which was crazier....Me or her..hahah but we loved every second of it! And the pics...are PrIcElEsS!!!!

ps ...shes been my only bride to elect having a TTD session..and believe it or not...her dress came clean after ALL we did to it!!!

1 comment:

  1. yay! i had a blast doing these. i love them all. now i can tell my kids one day that i wasn't always a boring person. hahah!
